Children clinic Sanare (Moscow, Eastern Administrative District)

Qualitative medical aid to children from 0 to 18 years old


Прием врачаConsultations in medical center and home visiting

Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist, neurologist, ophthalmologistENT doctor, orthopedic surgeon, cardiologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

Home consultations by our specialists when needed.


Программы годового наблюдения для детейAnnual medical observation programs for children and adults

The Sanare Children Medical Center proposes annual medical observation programs for children of all ages from birth to 17 years old.

Small children is a particular sphere of our specialization. For them we have made special observation programs from birth to 1 year old. We have also observation programs for children from 1 to 2 years old and from 2 to 17 years old, as well as a vaccination and prophylaxis program. Annual medical observation programs combine qualitative medical services and a moderate price.


Прививки ребенкуChildren vaccination

Our medical center provides vaccination of children from widespread infections with foreign medicines (pentaxime, infanrix hexa etc.) we make Mantoux and Diaskintest. We also provide official documents (references) and vaccination certificates for Mantoux reaction and other inoculations performed.


УЗИ ребенкуDiagnosing with the up-to-date medical equipment


Детская офтальмологияSight diagnosis

  • Eyeground examination with slit lamp
  • Diagnostics of long- and shortsightedness, astigmatism
  • Selection of glasses

Анализы ребенкуWide range of laboratory examinations

Our center makes urine, feces and blood analysis, performs tests for infections, biochemical and hormonal indicators, allergic tests, immune status and genetic diseases. Sample collection is done at our center or during home visiting.


Массаж ребенкуAll kinds of massage and gymnastics

Specialists of our medical center apply unique methods and complexes of exercises.


Оформление медицинской документацииProviding all kinds of documents and references